Goal 2:

Ensure that Cary Residents can enjoy the full benefit of Cary’s high quality of life.

What It Means

  • $Support the rehabilitation and preservation of existing housing
  • $Ensure the availability of housing to serve families with limited means
  • $Provide resources to make housing accessible for individuals with disabilities
  • $Support housing options for seniors

Actions To Take

Use Healthy Homes Cary Program to support necessary repairs to homes(Ongoing)

Pilot a low-interest loan fund for landlords to make repairs to rental housing (IN DEVELOPMENT)

Connect existing code enforcement activities with resources for property owners (IN DEVELOPMENT)

Support state-level legislation that supports housing goals(Ongoing)

Fund emergency housing programs to keep residents affected by a crisis in their homes(Ongoing)

Evaluate programs to relieve seniors of housing cost burdens and enable them to age in place(Ongoing)

Explore developer incentives to support affordability (IN DEVELOPMENT)

Align rezoning and development review processes to support Cary’s housing priorities(Ongoing)

Create guide on how to develop housing for persons with disabilities (IN DEVELOPMENT)

Communicate with Senior Advisory Board to help programs meet senior needs in Cary(Ongoing)

Integrate environmental activities into housing programs such as Healthy Homes Cary to ensure all residents have access to

energy efficient and alternative energy housing resources (IN DEVELOPMENT)

Develop homeownership program to fill housing market gap and promote generational wealth (IN DEVELOPMENT)