
The Carying Place
The Carying Place has served the Triangle community for 30 years by teaching and empowering working families with children that are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. They provide families with individualized life skills lessons, short-term housing, and support services preparing them for independent living. In part through Cary’s support, The Carying Place continues to expand their portfolio of 13 high quality, affordable, residential properties. These properties are available short-term to families as they participate in the Journey Home program, which has in total served over 535 Cary families with 1,500 children.

Dorcas Ministries
Dorcas Ministries is the longest serving nonprofit service provider in Cary. They provide compassionate assistance to area residents to empower residents experiencing housing and financial instability. Many of their services include financial and food assistance, training and coaching, and client advocacy. Cary partners with Dorcas to administer Cary’s Parks and Recreation scholarship program – Play it Forward, the Oasis Utility Bill Assistance program, and the Stable Homes Cary program.

Rebuilding Together of the Triangle
Rebuilding Together of the Triangle (RTT) is a local nonprofit working to preserve affordable homeownership and revitalize neighborhoods by providing home repair and renovation services to low- and moderate-income homeowners. Many of the homeowners they assist are seniors, individuals with disabilities, veterans and/or families. RTT administers the Healthy Homes Cary program which helps Cary residents age in place, preserve safe and sanitary housing, correct hazardous structural conditions, and improve accessibility for persons with disabilities.

White Oak Foudation, Inc.
White Oak Foundation is a faith-based nonprofit organization that has served Cary residents since 1998. They offer a variety of resources including senior programming, housing counseling, food assistance and emergency financial assistance. White Oak is also in the pre-development stages of constructing 60 units of affordable senior housing.

Greenwood Forest Baptist Church
Greenwood Forest Baptist Church is a faith community that has served the residents of Cary at the corner of Maynard and Kildaire Farm Roads for 60 years. In partnership with Cary, The Carying Place, and DHIC, Greenwood Forest Baptist Church is proposing a mixed-use development on church and town-owned land. This development would preserve the existing worship space while adding affordable housing, a daycare facility, office space, and community programming areas.

Beacon Management Group
Beacon Management is an affordable housing developer that focuses on housing options that support the senior community. They have developed properties primarily across the Carolinas and are currently partnering with Cary on the Rose Park Manor development. This will be a senior housing community reserved for seniors earning up to 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).

Raleigh Area Land Trust
The Raleigh Area Land Trust is a local Community Land Trust (CLT) working to expand affordable homeownership opportunities for first-time homebuyers with household incomes at or below 80% of the Area Median Income. Cary funding will enable RALT to acquire and renovate up to four Cary homes for their CLT model.

Passage Home
Passage Home is a nonprofit organization that serves families living in poverty or who are at risk of falling into poverty. They provide workforce training, housing stability services, comprehensive case management, affordable housing, and other resources to residents at or below 80% of the Area Median Income, with most below 50%.

Kramden Institute is a regional nonprofit devoted to providing technology tools and training to bridge the digital divide. They’ve provided thousands of computers to families across North Carolina as well as educational programs covering basic computing skills. In a new partnership with Dorcas Ministries and Cary, Kramden Institute will be delivering digital skills training and devices to Spanish speaking residents of Cary.

A Doorway to Hope
A Doorway to Hope is a Cary nonprofit that provides temporary, emergency assistance to working families in crisis. They serve hundreds of Cary households through their crisis ministry programs, food security program, produce box deliveries, and essential household item supply.

Triangle Family Services
Triangle Family Services is a nonprofit organization working to address homelessness and ensure affordable housing in Wake County. Their programs include emergency housing, street outreach, case management and financial counseling. They partner with several other Cary nonprofits to serve those experiencing homelessness.

Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity of Wake County works to provide homeownership opportunities and preserve existing affordable homes for residents of Wake and Johnston Counties. They partner with faith groups, corporations, foundations, and other nonprofits to build, preserve, and advocate for housing. Habitat has partnered with Cary for the past 17 years to provide over 50 new homes for Cary residents.

Laurel Street
Laurel Street is an affordable housing developer that specializes in developing high-quality mixed income communities for working families and seniors. They have properties across the east coast and are currently partnering with Cary on the Marigold (921 SE Maynard Road) development. This will be the first mixed-income development to be constructed on town-owned land.

DHIC (Downtown Housing Investment Corporation)
For 50 years, DHIC has connected people with safe, affordable, and high-quality homes through homebuyer support and rental opportunities for individuals with limited incomes. DHIC supports individuals, families and seniors by providing homes and programs that promote financial, physical and mental well-being. DHIC has partnered with Cary to provide a total of 48 townhomes, 53 apartments, and four single family homes.

CASA (Community Alternatives for Supportive Abodes
For 30 years, CASA has provided high quality permanent supportive housing for a range of residents throughout Wake County. They work to provide specialized housing to families, veterans and those with physical and mental disabilities. With support from Cary, they have 6 affordable homes in Cary that support those with mental and physical disabilities.